Lynn the Twin: Are Your Twins Telepathic?

Lynn the Twin: Are Your Twins Telepathic?

Growing up, my best friend was and still is my identical twin sister, Lisa. We had the same friends, same teachers, same grades, same bedroom, same hideous hairstyle, same clothing, you name it, it matched. Although we copied, pasted and shared just about everything, we never shared a secret language, or experienced a "sixth sense" of what the other twin was doing, thinking, or feeling. There are numerous theories on this topic known as "cryptophasia," and many parents of multiples are intrigued by it. My theory is that secret languages among twins don't exist. Expect your multiples to babble with each other while they are babies and to share a special bond, but don't be disappointed if they're not telepathic. As I write this, I have no idea if my twin has an itch, a headache, or what her mood is, but what I can tell you with a fair amount of certainty that she is sleeping. How do I know this? It has nothing to do with any paranormal connection to her - it's simply due to the fact that it's 5:25am!

Speaking of extra-sensory abilities, you may be totally impressed with the insightfulness of others who are not your twins. I have a blind-from-birth cousin who amazes me. After months of not seeing her, I can walk into a room without saying a word, and within seconds she'll know it's me. Somehow she uses her other senses to tell me apart from my sister. Do I drag my feet when I walk? Do I have bad breath or a certain body odor? Perhaps my twin does. Nevertheless, my cousin has such an incredible ability to tell us apart without the gift of sight or sharing her secret. Interestingly, very few people can tell me apart from my sister, including my grandfather - even after his cataract surgery! In fact, there have been occasions where our own husbands have briefly confused us.

Are your twins telepathic? If not, no worries. There's a chance you may be able to find a clairvoyant cousin who is. However, don't expect other family members to be able to read minds or tell them apart - unless you can find a world-renowned eye surgeon who also happens to be a psychic!

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